Friday, January 3, 2020

British Healthcare - Magnitude of Social Inequalities, Social Gradients and Exclusion, Selection of Health Determinants Free Essay Example, 2750 words

The evidence on the links between the socioeconomic status and the and their health has generated 2 kinds of policy responses. Firstly the poorest circumstances and the poorest health is related, amongst the most socially excluded, those with most risk factors and difficult to reach ones. This parameter is important in linking health inequalities to the social exclusion agenda and thus focusing on policies at the community levels. As per the policy intervention terms, this leads to lift the worst out of extreme situations in which they found themselves. If effective also it will benefit a very niche fraction of the population. In the case of the second approach, it reveals that those who are in poorer circumstances are in the poorest health. This means that not only the poorest groups and communities who have poorer health than those in the most advantageous positions. There is a large number of people who may not be defined as socially excluded are relatively disadvantaged in health terms like the aged population. Prevention and other interventions could be useful in providing major improvements in their health and as a consequence will provide proportionate savings in the national health care systems. Selection of Health DeterminantsFor the first time in the history of Britain, health equity is placed along with the health gain as the core objective of the public health policy. We will write a custom essay sample on British Healthcare - Magnitude of Social Inequalities, Social Gradients and Exclusion, Selection of Health Determinants or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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